Thursday, July 25, 2019

COTE Seminar on “Striving for Excellence in Occupational Therapy Research: Indian vs. Global Presentation & Publication Context”


The Mumbai Branch of All India Occupational Therapists Association invites Occupational Therapists to participate in the COTE Seminar on:

“Striving for Excellence in Occupational Therapy Research:
Indian vs. Global Presentation and Publication Context”

By resource person: Dr. Punita V. Solanki MSc (OT in Orthopedic Conditions ), Fellow ACOT (AIOTA), ADCR (Mumbai). She is the Associate Editor, Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy (IJOT) and EC Member, Society for Hand Therapy (SHT), India.

The seminar is scheduled on 7th August, 2019 from 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm, at Sen Kinare Auditorium, 3rd Floor, CVTC Building, Seth GS Medical College and KEM Hospital.  This seminar has been organised with an aim to:

1. Highlight the importance of adherence to the international guidelines for presentation and publication 

2. Highlight the importance of accuracy, consistency, and scientific rigor for scientific publication 
3. Discuss the common errors versus ideal methods of presentation and publication.

The event flyer with details is attached below for your kind perusal. We hope to receive your enthusiastic participation and support for this event.

Thanks and regards,

Dr. Alok S. Patil (O.T)
Mumbai Branch of AIOTA.

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